Residential Statutes Violated On Halifax
Christian Tucker for the Topeka Post
March 22, 1993

Local business owners have filed a complaint with the city board against residents of 223 Halifax Rd. for noise violations and non-adherence to residential dwelling standards.

Board director Jay Argenon commented on the board's complaint outside City Hall on Sunday. Argenon claimed that the residents of the house are violating multiple local statutes regarding noise decibel levels and the number of people who can dwell in a residential building.

Argenon stated, "The board has found that an estimate of 20 people are living in the house, and loud screeching noises, shouting, and screaming can be heard from on the street at noise levels which are excessive."

Jeanne Caravan, a neighbor, stated at the meeting that she has asked the residents multiple times to rectify this issue, but has been met with refusal on multiple occasions.

"They just look at me like I'm crazy," said Caravan. I think I smelled marijuana smoke coming from inside while I was at the door.

A controversial art group called the Nothing Project [sic] has been occupying the building since 1991. The group is known for their eccentric performances and clashes with town residents.

The owner of 223 Halifax, James Turgenine, will have 30 days to respond to the board's complaint before a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 days in the state penitentiary takes effect.